Letter from the Editor
Dear Reader,
Illustration by Sage Anderson, Design by Kenzi Rayelle
Welcome to foolsmag.com; to summer 2019; to volume 6.5; to Foolish: our first-ever online-only digital magazine.
We have repeated our mantra time and time again: print is not dead. It certainly isn’t; but alongside the two print volumes we publish per year, we work tirelessly to put just as much love into our website. Online print is important to us for a number of reasons: sustainability, timeliness, access—precisely why maintaining our website is 50% of what we do.
When we met as a new team onlooking the 2019-2020 year, we knew we wanted to push boundaries previously set for and by us. Summer was the perfect time to start, and our website became the birthing ground after first suggestion. No questions, no headshaking, we wanted to share this new volume entirely and exclusively online. We are so excited for you to read it, to share it, to read it again.
Foolish is special for many reasons—our first illustrated cover, our first comic strip, and our first zine entirely. While we celebrate the end of Hot Girl Summer with volume 6.5, we hope you’ll stick around for 7 and 8; readers like you are why we keep going, how we feel able to. As always, we hope when you look inside, you find a bit of yourself.
Yours truly,
Ellie Zupancic, Editor-in-Chief
Illustration by Kenzi Rayelle