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by Callan Latham
Illustration by Mollie Phalen

Mollie Phalen for Fools Magazine

Mollie Phalen for Fools Magazine

I am burning / in dusk 

between your teeth / your 
tongue / my language / gets 

 to know / silence / our heads 
start at the tip / of the spine / 

 you do not speak / but here I am 
standing between / the tongues of  

nature / and even now I am nothing 
but / an in between / space /  

your mouth is a trap door / 
crashing ice / into the belly 

 of the pond and / something 
like frost / blooms in empty 

pockets / you blame it on spring 
coming too early / for the day 

 and once you pressed the stems / 
of roses to my hand / whose thorns 

 had been cut / so they could no longer 
know themselves / as the violence  

they were born with / and you were 
born with nothing but sharpness / 

to make up for your bones / and the melted 
rivers of your already aging past / dripped 

 from the very first time / dusk was 
lifted from you / and you became /